Dear Editor,
I was pleased to see the letter (SN of 20/04/16) from Mr. E B John, a leader and one of my mentors in Human Resource Management, complaining like I did earlier, about the insipidity of the Ad for entrants to the Bertram Collins College of Public Service.
As a matter of fact, Mr. John is one of a galaxy of Human Resource Management professionals with whom I have had the benefit of working in the 1960’s—1970’s, the halcyon heyday of HRM in Guyana; included among these were the trail blazers liked Dr Bertram Collins and Harold B Davis. They initiated an enviable track record of world class professional HRM.
I am now inclined to the view that those responsible for setting up the Bertram Collins College of Public Service should do some further reflection in order to pre-empt a faux pas. After all, Human Resource Management is a core function of staff development which inevitably is the raison d’etre for the College.
Yours faithfully,
Nowrang Persaud