The Working People’s Alliance (WPA) says it is “deeply pained and saddened” at the passing of Tchaiko Kawayana on Saturday in the USA following a struggle with cancer. She was the wife of Elder Statesman of Guyana, Eusi Kwayana.
“Members of the WPA Executive Committee and the wider WPA fraternity, express our deep condolences to Brother Eusi and the children at this most painful moment which has witnessed the irreplaceable loss of a well beloved wife/ mother. The untimely demise of Sister Tchaiko is also a great loss to the party at home and abroad. The historic role she played in the struggle of the African community and the Guyanese nation predated the formation of the WPA. We recall that her activities in Guyana had its genesis in the work of the African Society for Cultural Relations with Independent Africa (ASCRIA) in the late 60 s and early 70s.

“Sister Tchaiko’s decision to come to Guyana was influenced by her work and struggle in the African community in the USA, the country where she was born and her active involvement in the struggle of the African diaspora, and on the Mother-Land of Africa.
“Tchaiko or Sister Tchaiko as she was fondly called was among the early wave of activists who responded to the appeal made by ASCRIA and the Pan African Secretariat – which at the time operated in Guyana – for Africans in the diaspora to come to Guyana and participate in the political process, which at that time was being led by the Forbes Burnham administration”, the WPA said.
The party added that Tchaiko’s commitment to the liberation of the Guyanese people was exemplified by the role she played in the group, “Women Against Terror” where she was on several occasions caught up in the confrontation against the supporters of the then PNC administration.
“She did not escape the violence that was unleashed against the political opponents of the government in the period of the seventies and eighties and received a sound beating on North Road in the vicinity of Bourda Market on September 17th, 1983 while participating in a protest demonstration for the recognition of democratic and human rights in Guyana”, the WPA said.
It added that due to political victimization and economic difficulties she was forced to return to the USA to seek employment, in order to maintain her children. Years later she was joined by her husband and the family was reunited.
The home going celebration will be on Tuesday, May 16th at Atlanta, Georgia.