A Canefield, East Canje, Berbice man was found hanging in his home yesterday morning after having celebrated his birthday the day before.
Suresh Singh, also known as “Black Boy”, 38, a cane cutter of Canefield, East Canje, was discovered yesterday morning hanging from an electrical cord in his house. According to Singh’s relatives, he resided in the upper flat of the Canefield house alone, while his older brother along with his wife and child reside in the lower flat of the house.
His sister-in-law, Ameena Majid, 22, told Stabroek News, that on Sunday Singh celebrated his birthday by going out and having “a few beers”. She said, he returned late in the afternoon and went upstairs without saying anything to anyone. “He just go upstairs, he na say nothing, we na see he back for the rest of the night and we na hear nothing,” she stated.
Yesterday morning around minutes to 8, her husband was about to install an antenna on the roof, when he noticed Singh’s front door slightly opened, which seemed off. Upon further checking, he discovered his brother hanging from an electrical cord on a partition that separates the kitchen and living room.
Majid said that if Singh had issues no one knew. “He was always good with everyone, he never tell we he problems,” she added.
Singh was never married. Some persons present said that Singh was missing his mother, who passed away some time ago. He had always been quiet.
If you, or anyone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, you can contact the suicide helpline to receive assistance.
The Inter Agency Suicide Prevention Help Line can be accessed through the following:
Telephone: 223-0818, 223-0009 and 223-0001
Mobile: 600-7896 or 623-4444
Email: moc.oohay@ycnegayug
BBM: 2BE55649 or 2BE56020
Twitter: @guyanaagency
Whatsapp: 600-7896 or 623-4444
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