Dear Editor,
I am writing this letter with the hope that some assistance from the new APNU+AFC government could he rendered to our Yarrowkabra Housing Group. Eighteen years ago, I, along with some friends and business associates, applied for some house lots in Yarrowkabra and were given eighteen lots at the front of Yarrowkabra, opposite the Sky Lark Resort, for which we were very grateful. We spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to clean the land. During that time we tried to get some help from the then government. However, no help was forthcoming.
After being relocated and being given the same eighteen house lots at the back of Yarrowkabra, we were able to build seven houses (three completed and four incomplete), with no assistance from the government with regard to the provision of infrastructure, and some group members began to lose interest and the work slowed down drastically. A few years ago, the Secretary of our group was advised to write to the then Prime Minister (Mr Samuel Hinds) to seek assistance with regard to having electricity provided to the area. She sent a letter on May 16, 2011, and the following day, received a reply advising us that the government will try to assist as soon as they could.
Three years passed without any assistance being rendered, and another letter was sent to the Prime Minister on September 18, 2014. Unfortunately, no reply was received. Electricity is one of the most needed utility services for infrastructural development. What I do not understand is how the road running parallel to ours has electricity right the way to the back land. GPL would have had to pass our entrance in order to provide electricity to those persons on the road that leads to the back land. So, it is not to say that electricity is not in the area, so what is the problem?
In desperation, I wrote a letter via the newspapers, appealing to the ex-President, Donald Ramotar, hoping to get some attention from the then government, but again, to no avail. Over the years, I have written so many letters to the PPP government and the Lands and Surveys Department, but have gotten nowhere.
Our group comprises enterprising citizens of this country who are trying to do something for themselves. This is something that would enhance Yarrowkabra and would have been praiseworthy for the government of the day, because as far as I am aware, there still is no housing scheme in Yarrowkabra.
I, also would like to thank the Minister of Public Infrastructure, Mr David Patterson, for the roads that were done that were so needed over the years, and hope also that it would continue. I would like to suggest that the sides of the roads should have an edge in order to prevent any erosion. I have been told that we are about to get lights in our area.
In addition, we were told that we would have to cut the road in order for the post to go down; we have already done so and are now waiting for the posts to be installed. I would like to thank Prime Minister Moses V Nagamootoo who had promised me he would forward our request to the Minister of Public Infrastructure for his intervention. Now that we are about to get lights, I am saying thank you in anticipation.
Yours faithfully,
Arthur Taylor
Yarrowkabra Housing Group