Warren Plantation is on the Corentyne Coast, directly after Number 19 Village when one is travelling from New Amsterdam. However, because there is no signage indicating where the village begins and ends, it often goes unnoticed. In addition, for ages, persons have been calling all of the villages in proximity to Number 19 Village, “Nineteen”.
Warren Plantation has five cross streets, three Christian churches, one mandir and one mosque. Residents of Warren Plantation told the World Beyond Georgetown that the village had undergone tremendous development in previous years, but at present, it seems stuck; they believe it is time some attention is paid to the roads.
Resident Madan Pertabsingh said his life in Warren Plantation has not been the same since June 2006, when his “beautiful princess,” who was 16 years old at the time, was murdered. He said it was a murder that shocked not only Warren Plantation, but the entire country. He said the death of his daughter took his life to a dark place.