Stabroek News

Why is the speed limit from villages 70 to 74 in Berbice 50km?

Dear Editor,

Drivers in Berbice are finding it difficult to drive from 70 to 74 village, where the speed limit is 50 km. It used to be 65 km, but was changed a few years ago. Driving a car for a long distance at 50 km is difficult; driving a manual vehicle at 50 km is similarly difficult. One cannot drive a vehicle for a long distance in a low gear because from the time one steps on the accelerator it will be over 50km.

In a market area a driver will try with it. The Berbice Bridge is 50 km, but most places in Berbice are 65 km or 80 km. CWC is 80; 69 village to 63 is 65 km; 63 village going on to New Amsterdam is 80, so why is this area 50?

The traffic police are in this area seven days a week, morning till night. Holidays are even worse; they are hiding in the bushes and behind cars to catch drivers going above 50 km. They work in shifts and change spots just to catch drivers. If someone gives you a light, then you slow down and will drive normally again above 50km afterwards. Going to Georgetown one might hardly see a policeman with a radar gun, but as soon you come back you get a ticket at villages 70 to 74. Where will drivers find $7500 to pay for a ticket frequently? Drivers are also complaining that the police radar gun is not correct. Those in the area would be happy if the speed limit could be adjusted even to 65, which would be comfortable for driving. We do hope that the Traffic Chief could please look into this for us.

Yours faithfully,

Zakir Ally

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