Stabroek News

Bridge linking Goedverwagting, Pradoville 1 burnt for third time in a month

A resident tending to the fire consuming the bridge joining the east coast communities of Goedverwagting and Pradoville 1.

About two weeks ago, Goedverwagting residents, awakened by calls in the wee hours of the morning, rose to find the bridge linking their community to the adjoining Pradoville 1 on fire for the third time within the space of just over a month.

The fire, reportedly fueled by tyres, tar and waste oil, mostly managed to only char the bridge, though the structure has been evidently weakened in some parts. The burnt tyres, evidence of the arson, still remain in the gutter below.

A photo of the bridge as it was yesterday. The rails and sections of the floorboards are visibly singed.

After the most recent episode, police reportedly dusted for prints, and members of the Plaisance/IndustryNeighbourhood Democratic Council visited, but nothing has been heard of the matter since, although it was said that the culprits are known.

It was related to Stabroek News yesterday that the last fire, which began around 2:30 am, came a mere two days after the bridge would have been repaired, after being broken beyond use a month prior.

It was noted that the bridge was built to facilitate the passage of schoolchildren through the communities on their way to school, and was seen as necessary following several fatal accidents involving school children in years past.

The bridge has been in existence for as long as 12 years.

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