The Ministry of Public Security on Friday met with residents of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Demerara where concerns were raised about security and adults preying on school girls.
Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan, Deputy Regional Executive Officer Jennifer Ferreira-Dougall, D Div1sion Commander Leslie James and other government officials were present at the engagement, which was stated to be the first in a series of such interactions planned by the Ministry to address security concerns across the country. The meeting was held at the La Parfaite Harmonie Primary School, a statement from the Department of Public Information (DPI) said.
The issue of “older men preying on school girls” was not covered extensively in the press release sent out, but James stated that ranks have been tasked to embark on an “intel-led operation” to tackle the issue, which is on the “front burner” for the police.