Stabroek News

Civil aviation body warns again about drone use

The Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) yesterday warned drone users to ensure that they comply with the standard operating conditions which have been previously outlined.

In a statement, it said that it has noted an increase in the operation of drones at nights and during holidays and other festivities. With today’s Diwali celebrations it is expected that drones (formally known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) will be in operation this evening.

The GCAA said that in keeping with the directive issued on February 26, 2017, all owners and operators must ensure that all flights are conducted according to the following guidelines:

* Do not fly near airports, aircraft or restricted airspaces;

* All UAVs must be flown below 150 meters (492 ft.);

* Do not fly at nights or in low visibility conditions;

* All UAVs should be operated within sight of the operator; and

* All UAVs should be operated at a safe distance of 50 metres (150 ft) away from persons and property.

The GCAA is again calling on owners of drones to have them registered with the Authority before putting them into operation.

It warned that failure to comply with the guidelines will result in prosecution by the relevant authorities.

It said that further information and clarification on the operation of drones can be obtained from the GCAA’s Drones Unit on 227 8111 extension 264.

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