Dear Editor,
It must be queried what the authorities hoped to achieve by their failure to act with alacrity on report of the sex abuse of a minor by a City Constable. From all accounts in the media reports it took almost two months for city officials to realise the corporal who witnessed the indecent act was derelict in the discharge of his duty and that he made no log of the occurrence in the station diary.
It seems the hierarchy of the city administration has also been derelict in the execution of their duty and should be called upon to account for atrocious decisions taken in this particular matter.
Did I read correctly? The mother of the child at the centre of the city abuse matter, it is alleged, said to constables, that she did not want the child in her home as he was causing problems between herself and her husband? (SN Wednesday, October 18).
Yours faithfully,
Shamshun Mohamed