Stabroek News

GRFU to run off ‘B’ division rugby competition

The first round of the Bounty Farm 15’s league which involved national players concluded last Saturday with GDF defeating the Caribs.

The second round will not be played until after the Rugby America’s North (RAN) Sevens commitments for the season have been completed.

According to a release from the Guyana Rugby Football Union (GRFU), starting this weekend, there will be training and fitness sessions for the male and female national squads.


For the next four Saturdays, there will be Sevens training for the Senior men and women, This will consist of three games being played by each team, The first game, a men’s game, will start at 3:30 pm. These games must start on time in order to be concluded by 5:30 pm. Training will continue during the week on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


For the next five Sundays, there will be fitness training starting from 9:00 am at the National Park. Training on consecutive days will prepare the players to cope with the conditions in Mexico. The women are already into this routine, the men will have to catch up.

`B’ Division –10s competition

In order to maintain the rugby momentum generated by the Bounty Farm 15s, the union will run off a 10-a-side competition on Sunday afternoons starting this Sunday. This will allow players who have not been selected for the national squads to continue to be active. Senior national players that represented Guyana in the 2017 RAN Men’s XVs Championships will be debarred from these matches. A list of debarred players will be issued soon.

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