Stacy beating the odds

Stacy Johnson moving around in her home without a wheelchair. She holds onto the furniture for support.


Stacy Johnson is not one to accept the statistics of life. According to PAHO/WHO, only 25% of children with disabilities have access to education, and only 5% finish primary school. Stacy not only finished primary school but completed high school. And if she has her way, she is not done yet.

Born with a disability called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OS) Type III, a rare genetic disorder characterized by increased bone fragility, low bone mass and susceptibility to bone fractures, the Tucville Terrace, Georgetown resident believes that disability is not a sickness, but instead it teaches one to adapt in order to keep moving forward.

Despite failed attempts to further her studies following high school, due to the lack of accessibility, 30-year-old differently abled Stacy Johnson keeps beating the odds and has even considered pursuing writing as a career.