Apalled by SOCU action against GBTI Directors

Dear Editor,


As a shareholder of GBTI, I am appalled by the action of SOCU in charging our Directors as criminals, and by your newspaper parading their photographs as presumptive criminals.

First, the legal representative of any company is the Company Secretary.  If any error occurs, therefore, the Secretary should be the officer charged.

Second, the bank account of the Rice Marketing Board has been with GBTI since GBTI was formed; before that, the bank account goes back to the days of Barclays Bank.

Third, it is understood that, by law, the Bank has to keep hard copies of its transactions for a certain period of time.  I understand that it is virtually impossible to find the information required in the time given; indeed, it may not be at all possible.  Nevertheless, this has become a news item, which defames our Directors and besmirches their excellent record over the years.

I understand that our Bank has done nothing wrong, but simply cannot perform the task required in the time available, if at all.

GBTI has served the public well for about 25 years. What has SOCU done?  (Anything?)

Yours faithfully,

(Name and address provided)