Stabroek News

Ravi Persaud takes top spot in Banks DIH/Citizens Bank golf tourney

Ravi Persaud yesterday warmed up for the Lusignan Golf Club’s upcoming Guyana Open tournament by winning yesterday’s Banks DIH Limited/Citizens Bank Inc. Stableford Golf tournament at the Lusignan Golf Club.

Persaud ended with 41 points to take the top spot in the tournament which serves as a warm up event for the Guyana Open.

The top performers at yesterday’s Banks DIH Limited/Citizens Bank golf tournament with representatives from the two sponsors and the Lusignan Golf Club. (Orlando Charles photo)

Three players were tied on 40 points for second place but on the countback, Akeem Hussain was declared second while Anasha Alli and Peyton George were relegated to third and fourth places.

Max Persaud was the Nearest to the Pin winner in the tournament which saw over 40 golfers including those from Canada and the United States of America participating. Following the conclusion of the tournament brief remarks were made by Banks DIH Limited Communications Manager Troy Peters and Neville Skeete of Citizens Bank.

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