Stabroek News

SMART will escalate public advocacy over marijuana law reform

Dear Editor,

The Society of Marijuana Advocates for Reform and Treatment (SMART) wishes to thank CARICOM’s Regional Commission on Marijuana for organizing the public forum held on Monday November 06 at the St Stanislaus College in Georgetown.
These forums serve as a reminder to policy makers that this issue is a topical one and one that has serious implications for the sociopolitical and economic wellbeing of our country.
It was somewhat disappointing that there wasn’t a much larger turnout to the event, which is indicative of the low public awareness on the issue and the effects the current legal narcotics regime has on the lives of many and the country’s welfare as a whole.
SMART will remain vigilant and engaged on the issue of legal reform on marijuana possession and will escalate our public advocacy with some unprecedented actions in the coming weeks.

Yours faithfully,
Clinton Urling
Member of SMART

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