All about a good night’s rest

Whether in the gym or in public, I get asked a lot about tips for a good night’s rest. It is arguably the most common question I get related to health and fitness, besides losing body fat.

Before we get into how to sleep better, let us talk about expectations. Not everyone needs the same amount of sleep. Not everyone needs eight hours of sleep, it is not a magical number – some need more and many need a bit less. If you are mentally alert all day long operating at peak cognitive efficiency, then you got enough sleep.

However, if you are yawning, daydreaming, nodding off, or having trouble focusing, then you need more sleep. The older humans get, the harder it is to get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. If you are over 40, then it is probably not realistic to expect that you will be able to hit the pillow, sleep soundly all night, and wake up eight hours later.

Here is what you