Stabroek News

‘Salute to Men’ was an inspiring event

Dear Editor,

In observance of International Men’s Day which was celebrated globally on November 19, 2017, the Ministry of Social Protection in collaboration with the National Community Policing executive hosted a ‘Salute to Men’ which was a historic and enlightening event that I was pleased to attend. This experience at the Guyana Police Force Training College coordinated by Pastor Diego Alphonso under the auspices of Minister Amna Ally was a most colourful, inspiring and excellent programme that left an impression on the hearts of hundreds of Guyanese, especially the boys and men who gathered there. From the dancing of the young men of the Outreach Ministries International Winners’ Cathedral, to the motivational talk to the presentation by the ‘good’ soldier, the programme was filled with energy and vitality. ‘surprisingly, even I did a song for the crowd ‒ Frank Sinatra’s ‘My Way’ ‒ and received favourable applause and audience participation. It was an exhibition of the talents, skills and abilities that men possess.

Editor, it was an honour to see the dynamism and passion of Pastor Diego and to witness in the audience, Minister Amna Ally totally absorbed in the event, staying through from 3pm until after 7pm when the event ended. Prior to this, there was also a television recording at NCN where panellists Dr Mark Constantine, Kester Deane and I discussed fatherhood, and the responsibility of men to family, society and the universe. It was clarion call to the fathers who left to return and care for their children; we highlighted the importance of men in raising their children and how it is downplayed many times. We reminded them that they chose of their ‘free will’ to make the child and that they should counsel, guide and teach their children even if they are not around, to be an example and a bastion of strength. The television programme which was hosted by Pastor Diego Alphonso was conducted most professionally. I was pleased to have been invited to participate, and take this opportunity to offer my support to any similar agency or NGO like the Gender Affairs Bureau ‒ anything that is positive for our country and our youths. I volunteer my time for any such activity in the future whatever government is in power.

I wish once again to compliment the Minister for her timely remarks and interest in social protection, and for stressing the importance of men and women in bringing up children. International Men’s Day like International Women’s Day should be celebrated every day for a better society and a wonderful world tomorrow.

Yours faithfully,
Hajji Roshan Khan
National Chairman
Universal Peace Federation-
Guyana Chapter

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