Stabroek News

December 1st marks 180th anniversary of Republic Bank’s first predecessor

Richard Sammy Republic Bank Guyana Manager

Come December 1, Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited celebrates the 180th Anniversary of its operating presence in Guyana and a release from the Bank issued earlier this week highlighted the high points of its operations here, ranging from its humble start in 1836 with the founding of the British Guiana Bank in November of that year, to its contemporary significant operations under the name  Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited from twelve locations across Guyana in Berbice, Essequibo, East Bank Demerara, East Coast Demerara, West Coast Demerara, Georgetown, Linden and Lethem as well as what the management says are “plans for further expansion, providing a range of financial services for every stage and phase of life.” Its first operating location was at its Water and Robb streets location, which location remains in operation to this day.

In 1914 the Bank changed hands with the Royal Bank becoming the owner and retaining ownership for the next seventy years until nationalization in 1984, at which time it became National Bank of Industry and Commerce Limited.

In 1997, Republic Bank Limited of Trinidad and Tobago became the majority shareholder and in 2006 the Bank was rebranded Republic Bank (Guyana) Limited in 2006.

Republic Bank, in its statement issued earlier this week declared that “a constant throughout the years of the Bank’s existence has been one of leadership and high standards.” It boasts that the Bank was not only “the first local commercial bank to start business in the then colony of British Guiana,” but also “the first indigenous commercial bank,” as well as “the first bank owned by the indigenous private sector.” Additionally, the release says that the Bank was  “the first commercial building to be air conditioned” as well as “the first bank to be computerized.” The statement adds that Republic Bank boasts “a local banking history teeming with an impressive range of firsts.”

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