Dear Editor,
I write to inform the Guyanese American diaspora that a public conference on India and the Indo-Caribbean diaspora will be held on Saturday, December 2 in Manhattan at the Columbia University (530 West 120th Street off Broadway). It is free and the public is invited. Lunch will be served starting at noon.
The conference is held on the occasion of 100th anniversary (1917-2017) of abolition of Indentureship from India to the Caribbean. It is being organized by the Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies (FIIDS). The main speakers are Consul General of India, Prof Yash Pathak of Florida, and Ravi Dev. There will be other presenters from around the globe including myself who will speak on India’s relations with the Caribbean.
The public is invited to be a part this important conference whose theme is ‘Indo-Caribbean Diaspora’s Achievements, Challenges and Prospects’.
Experts on the subject and leaders from the Caribbean, the diaspora and India will reflect on the theme of the conference. The conference provides an opportunity for the public from both the Indo-Caribbean and Indian (NRI) American communities to connect and discuss about the current state and future of the Indo-Caribbean and Indian diasporas. For information on the event and the org:
Yours faithfully,
Vishnu Bisram