The Guyana Gold Board (GGB) today announced the appointment of Eondrene Thompson as its new General Manager, effective January 1, 2018.
A release from the GGB said that Thompson, who was the substantive Finance Manager, has acted as GM since April 24, 2017 when the then GM, Lisaveta Ramotar, along with two other senior officers were sent on administrative leave.
“The board of directors unanimously agreed that the GGB needs to proceed in a new direction under new leadership. The board holds in high regard the integrity, skills, and commitment of Miss Thompson to positioning and leading the organization forward. The new GM has been at the Gold Board since March, 2010 after a 15-year-stint at the Bank of Guyana. She is a graduate of the University of Guyana and holds an Executive MBA in Executive Leadership from Liverpool John Moores University”, the release said.

It said that the contracts for the three officers sent on leave expired on December 31, 2017. “In keeping with its visions of new direction and new leadership, the board of directors decided not to renew the contractual relationships”, the release stated.