The family of a 34-year-old housewife who died at the Dr Balwant Singh Hospital yesterday after a C-section surgery have questions about the care she received.
Stabroek News understands that Stacy Peters of 1296 Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden died sometime around 5 am yesterday after delivering her third child the day before.
Stabroek News was unable to contact hospital officials for a comment on the case. The woman’s aunt Dawn Peters-Dove related that her niece, who was also mother to a preteen and a teenager, had left her home in Linden on Tuesday morning to give birth at the Dr Balwant Singh Hospital where she had up to that time been attending prenatal clinic.
She noted that her niece gave birth to a baby girl that very day and was in high spirits when they spoke to her that evening and again yesterday morning. “We spoke to her at 5 this morning and like 10 minutes after we came off the phone, the hospital called asking for someone to come down because they got a serious problem,” she explained.
However, by time they arrived at the hospital they were told Peters had suffered heart failure as a result of blood clots.

“They told us that her blood wasn’t circulating … I asked them if they didn’t realise that her blood was clotting when they were stitching her up or if they didn’t check her properly to make sure everything was okay before they did the C-section”, the woman lamented.
In addition to this, Peters-Dove said that the hospital refused to release the baby to relatives until they paid the required money for the procedure.
“I had to come down and go and pay off the bill because they say they won’t be giving us the baby until we do,” she related.
In response to questions asked about her niece’s health during her pregnancy, Peters-Dove stated that she had a healthy pregnancy and attended clinic when required.
“She left Linden (Tuesday) morning with no complaints…she was healthy throughout her pregnancy, the aunt said.
Stabroek News understands that a post-mortem examination is scheduled for tomorrow, while the baby remains in the care of the aunt.