The Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) today announced that Director, Richard Isava has been appointed by the Board of Directors to act in the capacity of Executive Director with effect from January 8, 2018.

In a notice in today’s Stabroek News, the bank said that Isava “assumes overall charge and responsibility for the day to day management of the Bank, until further notice”.
Isava’s elevation comes after its Chief Executive Officer-Designate, Trinidadian Larry Nath declined the post.
Nath took up the CEO-designate post in December last year and eventually declined the position after questions were raised at the Bank of Guyana and the Guyana Securities Council about his background in the Trinidad banking industry.
GBTI had not announced Nath’s appointment as CEO-designate. The public first became aware of it when Stabroek News reported his presence at a GBTI event in December.