In the wake of the recent visit by a high-level delegation from neighbouring Brazil, led by Brazil’s Minister of Defence, Raul Jungmann Pinto, Minister of Justice, Torquato Lorena Jardim and General Sérgio Etchegoyen, Minister Head of Institutional Security/Presidency of the Republic, last Friday, President David Granger (centre at left of table), yesterday, convened a special meeting with the high command of the Guyana Defence force (GDF) to discuss ongoing defence concerns. This is according to a statement from the Ministry of the Presidency.
Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, who was also present at the meeting, which was held at State House, said that the purpose of this follow-up meeting was to review the discussions that emanated from the deliberations with the Brazilian delegation and to prepare the GDF to chart the way forward in terms of defence cooperation. (Ministry of the Presidency photo)