Forty-five residents of Subryanville/Fraserville have written Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan requesting a meeting on the Farnum Community Ground and citing the damage caused to it by alleged unauthorized construction by Mae’s Private School.
The correspondence dated February 19th is the latest move in a growing controversy between the community and the city council over what is being done on the ground and who gave permission for it.
In the letter, the residents said that as the Farnum Ground is one of the few green spaces in that area they have rejected previous attempts to misuse and restrict public access to the ground.
“We are currently resisting attempts by Mae’s Private School to lease, and build a fence across the ground”.
The letter chronicled attempts that the residents had made to engage with the council on the natter to no avail. They said however that various works are underway on the ground and construction debris has scarred it.

“We therefore request an urgent meeting to discuss a way forward for the protection, rehabilitation and long term management of Farnum Community Ground. We feel that time is of the essence, as damage continues to be done to the field, and the debris being dumped poses a daily health hazard to students and other users of the space.
Many residents are prepared to contribute time and resources towards the development and maintenance of the space, and we recognize the Ministry’s important role as a constructive partner in these efforts”, the statement added.