(Trinidad Guardian) “Dwight, I forgive you.”
So stated reigning Chutney Soca Monarch Neval Chatelal in an open letter to former T&T and Manchester United striker Dwight Yorke yesterday, following the repayment of a $250,000 loan.
On Saturday before hosting his Seas The Moment party, Yorke was served legal documents by Chatelal, who was suing him to recover $250,000 that was supposed to have been repaid since last May. But when Yorke was questioned about the situation on Wednesday during a tour of the stadium named after himself, he said he had never met Chatelal, never signed any contract with him and that it was a friend who had made the deal.
Yesterday, however, Chatelal said this was untrue, while also revealing Yorke had repaid the entire loan amount, interest and legal fees within days of receiving the legal letters.
“Firstly, thank you for doing the right thing and paying back your debt, the interest and legal fees. Persons who know me well can attest to how many hours I put into my craft and I was certainly not ready to part with the monetary fruits of my hard work that easily,” Chatelal said in the letter.
A total of $270,000 was deposited to Chatelal’s bank account between Monday and Tuesday, he revealed. In December, Yorke had repaid the $50,000 interest on the loan.
Chatelal said he had photographic evidence the two met after the Island Vibe fete last March, when Yorke approached him to borrow the money.
“I understand that I may be forgettable to a man of your renown. I also tend to forget things from time to time, but, though they may be few, I won’t forget the times we met. I won’t forget the circumstances and how urgently you needed a loan with terms you outlined and the promises you made,” he said.
Chatelal said Yorke’s recent statements on the situation proved he was being toyed with all along. He said because he believed Yorke was in financial difficulties, he exercised compassion and lent him the money.
“If you hadn’t been evasive and disrespectful in your communications with me, I would have given you two years even to pay back the amount,” Chatelal said, adding he also had screen-shots of their conversations over non-payment of the loan and extension of the deadlines.
Chatelal said he also lent Yorke the money because he is a fan of the former footballer.
“I am a fan and supporter of your works great and small, and I believe in your vision for Tobago and culture. I had and still have no desire to bring your public image into disrepute. I did not wish to become embroiled in the predictable controversy that such a lawsuit would prompt. You, however, gave me no other choice by mockingly agreeing to legal recourse,” Chatelal said.
“I am not hurt or stressed. I am not trying to be petty or cynical either. I hope we have both learned from our mistakes and that we make better decisions when it comes to our finances. Thank you again for not delaying in doing the right thing. “
He thanked Anand Ramlogan SC and his team for assisting him in the matter.
“If it means anything to you, I forgave you the instant you repaid what was owed. May

we all recover peacefully from this event and start the healing process,” Chatelal said.