Bandits on Saturday night invaded the Barama Company Limited compound at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara and robbed the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Thomas Apun and other staff of their personal items and cash.
Police in a statement yesterday said that at around 11.45pm, five bandits entered the compound and carried out the attack during which a security guard was relieved of the company’s shotgun and five cartridges.
General Manager of the Company Mohindra Chand, yesterday told Stabroek News that the bandits gained entry into the compound while the guard was carrying out his routine checks.
“They would have entered from the gate at the living quarters compound while the guard wasn’t there. They waited and pounced on him when he returned to the hut and took away his firearm,” Chand said.
The police also stated that after the bandits relieved the guard of his firearm, they stole his phone, duct-taped his mouth and bound his hands and feet.
Chand said that the men then proceeded to the living quarters, kicked down the door and gained entry into the building.
The General Manager added that after gaining entry the gunmen attacked the CEO, a supervisor and a female worker, all Indonesian nationals.
The bandits held the CEO at gunpoint and instructed him to take them to their valuables while they duct-taped the supervisor and the female worker.
The men robbed the victims of a quantity of jewellery, cellular phones and an undisclosed amount of cash before escaping.
Investigators have since processed the scene, obtained statements and are making stringent efforts to apprehend the suspects, the police statement noted.