As the government seeks to increase the number of trained teachers in Region Eight, the Ministry of Education, through the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), on February 21 relaunched the Teachers Upgrading Programme at the Paramakatoi Secondary School, North Pakaraimas.
“We want to see all our people have the good life through education…A quality education will allow all of us to take our rightful place as part of the education and unification process of Guyana,” Minister Nicolette Henry was quoted as saying, in a press release from the Ministry of Education (MoE). The minister also pointed out that the Ministry wanted to remove from the equation the long distance travelling teachers in the region would have to make, in order to get the Trained Teacher’s Certificate. Henry noted that she is looking forward to sustained improvements and great results.
Trainee teachers for the upgrading programme are drawn from 18 villages in Region Eight sub-Region One. These include Paramakatoi, Chiung Mouth, Bamboo Creek, Chenapau, Itabac, Kaibarupai, Kurukubaru, Kanapang, Kopinang, Kamana, Monkey Mountain, Waipa, Tuseneng, Kato and Karisparu, Maikwak, Taruka.
According to the MoE release, the minister who led a team which included Chief Education Officer, Marcel Hutson, Dr Allison Thomas Vice-Principal (Develop-ment), and Vivian Marco, Distance Education Coordinator, also stressed the need for dedication towards the realization of value for money via successful completion of all student teachers.
Vice President Dr Thomas, in her comments, according to the statement, said that the teachers’ foundation programme is intended to offer equal educational opportunities and to prepare more trained teachers and the College is hopeful that the associate degree programme will soon be introduced.