Regional Executive Officer (REO) of Region Four Pauline Lucas made a passionate appeal to students within Region Four to use the jump rope initiative as another avenue for a healthier lifestyle.
Lucas made the appeal at the conclusion of the 2018 Department of Education, Region Four jump rope competition held at the BladenHall Secondary School recently.
The competition, which was dominated in the various categories by Craig and Golden Grove Primary Schools along with Ann’s Grove, Hope and Bladen Hall Secondary Schools attracted a large number of schools and participants.
Lucas said that while persons may want to shy away from sports owing to a number of reasons, she urged them not to.
“I believe that many persons underestimate the power and ability of the jump rope, so a lot of us take its effectiveness for granted but let me stress that this simple looking jump role can bring many of us in line in terms of maintaining or even achieving a healthy body,” she said.
“With so many challenges and obstacles in preventing us from remaining healthy I urge you the students, especially in Region Four to use this as much as you can. The jump rope being used as a means of getting and staying healthy, hopefully would certainly help in reducing the many high numbers of Non Communicable Diseases.”

She added, “I am tired of hearing about so many of our young people being stricken with various diseases and I am appealing to teachers and most importantly parents to encourage your children to become actively involved. Use it, utilize it and keep it so that you can put and keep your body in line.”
Lucas said that together with the assistance of the Ministry of Education Allied Arts Department, she would continue to engage them while forging closer relationships.
“I am certain that in time the Ministry of Public Health would report that there is a decrease in NCDs as that should be our ultimate goal,” she declared.
She gave her commitment to supporting similar like activities within the region declaring, “As the REO for this Region students and parents can count upon us in helping you and your child in whatever way that we can in accessing activities that will facilitate healthier lifestyle.”
She congratulated the Department of Education under its acting Regional Education Officer, Tiffany Flavourite–Harvey for an excellent organising of events.
“REDO Flaourite – Harvey continues to work on executing successful projects and I would like to offer congratulations to her and her team,” she stated.
“Together we can all work towards bringing about an environment of healthier lifestyles and through the jump rope I am urging all to start here,” she added.