Since the launching of Miss Berbice I’m A Big Deal Beauty and Empowerment pageant the organisers through RD Production have been on the move in Berbice. Last Saturday, March 17, saw the launching of the support group ‘Girl Talk’ in collaboration with East Wise Innovations which also launched ‘Dare to Care’ at the Esplanade Park, New Amsterdam.
The Miss Berbice Pageant was held with the aim to motivate, inspire and encourage youths to be the change they want to see. ‘Girl Talk’ will zero in on this to motivate and empower girls to become the best versions of themselves, to be involved in community building and develop their leadership skills. The ‘I’m A Big Deal’ queen, Farah Bates and contestants of the pageant will help to set up Girl Talk clubs in various schools across Berbice which will offer guidance, mentoring, counselling and empowerment sessions to help school girls realize their importance to society and how they can contribute positively.
“We are basically going to be working to teach them selflessness and the importance of service to community, hence the targeting of schools. We find that young people aren’t involved much in charitable work, so we are going to be teaching them where they can find various associations trying to make a change, so they can have that experience and build that community spirit,” pageant coordinator, Tracy Khan-Drakes said.

Meanwhile Andy Henry of East Wise Innovations and the founder of ‘Dare to Care’ related that under the theme ‘Impact, Empower and Invest’ the groups will be providing support, care, counselling and opportunity for personal development through provisions and programmes that would enhance life skills, image, and motivation.
Henry further said that ‘Dare to Care’ will use the three objectives previously mentioned to make a difference and that with the necessary resources they would invest in youths. In doing so youths will be better equipped to handle the future.
Since the launch of the pageant the organizers and contestants have held school outreaches educating students on social problems, a luncheon honouring breast cancer survivors, a Valentine’s Day Outreach at the New Amsterdam Hospital for pregnant mothers and sick children who were presented with hampers, the Woman of Worth celebrations which honoured 42 women for their outstanding contribution towards their families and communities on International Women’s Day, engaged in a cleanup exercise in the town of Rose Hall, and also assisted the only Special Needs School in Berbice in pulling off its first pageant by offering training to the contestants, helping with makeup and hair, decorating the venue and with the coordinating the pageant.
The launch of the groups was well received and supported and saw prominent citizens of Berbice along with the reigning Miss World Guyana Vena Mookram and her team commending their work and pledging support.
Persons interested in volunteering or making donations can visit the groups on their Facebook pages missberbicepageant or daretocare for more information or call 666-4337/671-8701.