A labourer was fatally stabbed during an attempted robbery on Good Friday evening, after he and a friend were attacked while walking along Alexander Street, Kitty.
Taj Andrew Jarvis, 27, of Dowding Street, Kitty sustained stab wounds to his chest and chin, and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The suspect, a 30-year-old, resident of Shell Road, Kitty, managed to flee the scene and is currently being sought by the police.

The incident occurred around 8 pm on Friday evening at the corner of Alexander and Barr streets, Kitty, Georgetown. The Kitty Police Station is located nearby.
The police, in a press statement, said initial investigations have revealed that Jarvis and a friend were walking along Alexander Street when the suspect pounced on them and demanded money from Jarvis.
An argument ensued, the police said, during which the suspect stabbed Jarvis. As a result, he fell on the ground and the suspect then kicked him about his body, before walking away from the scene in a southern direction along Alexander Street.
Jarvis was subsequently picked up by an ambulance and rushed to the GPH.
Investigations are ongoing.