Family time! This family enjoyed the Easter holiday yesterday with good old fashioned kite flying on the outskirts of the Pegasus Hotel despite the gloomy weather.
Sky sight: Some of the kites that managed to stay up.
Seawall scene: Daddy I am ready, let’s fly my kite
A sky high view! Apart from kite flying some patrons enjoyed riding a Ferris wheel at the seawall yesterday.
Tent, no worries: This family was enjoying their picnic on the seawall yesterday.
No kite! No problem! This toddler was not bothered at not having a kite as he focused his attention on playing with a ball at the National Park yesterday.
Mommy did it! This mother managed to get her son’s kite into the air yesterday afternoon at the seawall.
Jump rope: And those adults who didn’t fly their kites returned to childhood games. In photo, this family took part in a game of jump rope.
Where is that gusty wind? This couple was a bit disappointed that they couldn’t fly their kite in the National Park due to low winds and overcast weather but still posed for our camera.
More kites for sale: This man was seen selling kites to last-minute shoppers on the seawall yesterday.
Go on up! This lass skipped through the National Park trying to get her kite in the air.