The community of Good Intent, West Bank Demerara, is in shock after a man allegedly strangled his partner before apparently attempting to kill himself by slitting his throat.
According to information reaching Stabroek News, 40-year-old Nigel Glasgow of Murphy Street was found in bed with the dead body of his common law partner, 48-year-old Dianna Hernandez, who lived in Parfaite Harmonie. Neighbours related to this newspaper that the discovery was made by the man’s relatives early yesterday morning.
Hernandez was reportedly found lying on the bed with her hands bound in front of her and a makeshift noose around her neck that was attached to the ceiling of the house. Glasgow was found on the bed in a pool of blood hugging the woman’s body with a wound to his neck. He was subsequently rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was stabilized and is currently under police guard.

It was also stated that the man killed his three dogs and allegedly attempted to set afire one of his neighbours’ house yesterday morning just after allegedly killing Hernandez.
“He and he girlfriend [Hernandez] come in good, good yesterday afternoon [Sunday] and they deh happy and suh. But this morning [Monday] around like 2[am] I lie down me alone and I hear the window move. I didn’t pay no attention cause I just lie down but then I see the place look bright bright and the gasoline that he use start smell up and bun me nose and eyes and I said something wrong,” Simeone Farley, Glasgow’s neighbour related to Stabroek News yesterday.
She said that after she started to smell the gasoline and smoke she jumped up from her bed and ran into the living room of her house where she noticed one of her blinds on fire along with part of the wall.
“All the flower on the wall done bun up and I pick up water and throw and call me grandmother upstairs. I went and call a next neighbour and when I watch over by he I see padlock on he door. We stand up and then I see he wife and family come running and he stepson ask If I see he and everybody start to holler and saying how he kill Diane and kill heself,” Farley recalled, while stating that bottles filled with fuel were also found in Glasgow’s yard near to her fence.
She explained that because the front door was padlocked and all the windows were shut tightly, Glasgow’s relatives borrowed a hammer from her and pried the door open and made the gruesome discovery.
“Them hustle quick and carry he to the hospital because he was still breathing a little

and then they come and carry she away. I don’t know is what happened cause yesterday they come in good, good holding hands. I didn’t expect he woulda do them things to she and then come over here for me,” Farley added.
It was also related to Stabroek News that the man called his ex-wife and told her to take care of his children, which resulted in her rushing to the man’s house where the discovery was made.
One of Glasgow’s friends, who has known him for more than two decades, said that he was in complete shock and could not believe what had happened. The man recalled Glasgow as being an “easy going, cool and quiet man.”
“He’s a man that does lime right here with me. A quiet man who I would say is cool and does hardly talk. It left me and all he friends and I think everybody else in the neighbourhood in complete shock because they always good. I see he and she the other day and they didn’t seem to have no problem or anything. I can’t even think why he would kill she cause he’s a man that don’t talk about he problems,” Glasgow’s friend said.
The man said he learned that Glasgow visited his children on Sunday night and made a call to them early in the morning before he apparently attempted to kill himself.
Other neighbours and friends around the community also related that they could not fathom what had happened “since he was a nice, nice man.”
Both Glasgow’s and Hernandez’s families were present at the Wales Police Station yesterday and both families related that they were unsure of what had transpired that resulted in the death of Hernandez.
Glasgow also reportedly poisoned his three dogs and they were found at various spots around his yard by the police.
Glasgow was one of the cane cutters laid off at the end of 2016 when the Wales Estate was shut down but had started working with a slaughterhouse.