After a string of successes, ExxonMobil’s latest well effort has come up dry.
ExxonMobil began drilling the Sorubim-1 well in the Stabroek Block on April 3, 2018.
“Any exploration activity comes with a certain amount of calculated risk. This is especially true in frontier areas like Guyana. We know that success is not guaranteed, but we are not reluctant to take measured risks.
“We have had great exploration success in Guyana with seven discoveries in the country.
“We’re exceptionally proud of the work our teams have done in Guyana. We are well on our way to production by 2020 on the first discovery”, Exxon said in a statement today.
Kimberly Johnson Brasington, Senior Director, Public & Government Affairs for ExxonMobil said in the statement “We have had great exploration success in Guyana with seven previous discoveries: Liza, Liza Deep, Payara, Pacora, Snoek, Ranger, and Turbot. Skipjack and now Sorubim are what we call ‘dry holes’.
ExxonMobil began drilling the Sorubim well on the Stabroek Block on April 3, 2018. The Bob Douglas will complete this well and then move to begin drilling the Liza Phase 1 wells.
The Stena Carron drill ship will continue to explore and evaluate other areas of the block. The Stena Carron is currently drilling the Liza 5 well, which will likely be followed by a new prospect, called Long Tail.”