Unionists must work for workers not themselves

Dear Editor,

During Labour or Worker’s Day activities, 2018, I listened to many unionists who gave remarks and commented on issues that affect workers they represent.

Many people seem not to know where labour begins and ends. My view, labour begins in our homes with our children, families and housewives having to work (labour), second: intelligence, third: co-operation or unity and ends with fourth: produce or production. Many people believe in order to be a worker or labourer it is necessary to be employed with a company, government or an institution and have forgotten those boat captains, bus and taxi drivers, market vendors and paper distributors, all of whom perform labour.

Mention must be made of un-unionized workers if we are truly and honestly to celebrate workers or labour day in future. Un-unionized workers must be encouraged to participate in labour activities.

On Labour Day, a call was made to re-establish the Ministry of Labour, “Is it necessary?” Isn’t labour under the Ministry of Social Cohesion? To re-establish a labour ministry would be a serious cost on the government and may not benefit the working class but fill the pockets of some.

Unionists, work for the benefit of the workers and not yourselves.

Forward ever, backwards never.

Yours faithfully,

B. Winslow Parris

Citizen of Linden and fellow
