Residents call for neglected Sheet Anchor streets to be fixed

One of the streets
One of the streets

The residents of Sheet Anchor Village, East Canje, Berbice are calling on the authorities to immediately look into fixing their streets, which they say are almost impassable due to neglect.

Some residents told Stabroek News that works were last done to fix some sections of the streets 10 years ago.

Cheryl Humphrey explained that she and other residents have made several complaints to their local Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC), but the local authorities are not paying any attention to their situation.

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“We need these streets to look after and look after properly. We need proper streets but like we ain’t exist, nobody don’t come around and do anything and we keep complaining,” the annoyed woman said.

Additionally, Humphrey noted that residents have also communicated their plight to the Regional Democratic Council. “We are human beings too and we deserve the same treatment like everybody else in Guyana because we all paying rates and tax,” she noted.

However, Roy Jafarally, Chairman of the Fort Ordinance NDC, explained that the NDC is expected to receive $3 million in crusher run in a month’s time and it is expected to be used to fix streets in Sheet Anchor and other areas.

Humphrey stressed that it is nearly impossible for school children to traverse the streets alone to attend school due to its condition. She further pointed out that hire car drivers would often refuse to bring passengers into the streets as well.

Another resident, Neeraj Rampersaud, 47, told this newspaper  that the potholes are becoming larger by the minute due to the heavy rainfall and the heavy-duty machinery accessing the streets. “I wouldn’t say potholes, we have ponds and when it raining you can’t come out. We are asking the relevant authorities to look into it,” said Rampersaud.

Elaine Pellew, 55, explained that she has resided in the village for over 40 years and much has never been done to fix the streets.

Pellew, who is attached to the New Amsterdam Public Hospi-tal, said, “Night time when I coming from work, I falling down. Last night I fall two times. Every time you buy a pair a shoe to go to work, it a damage,” she added.

The woman further pointed out that she has six grandchildren attending school and it is a difficult task to find someone to assist with taking them out on the streets every morning. “You got to left them out the streets fa them reach to school,” she said.

Leroy Humphrey, 45, explained that due to the condition of the streets, he cannot use his car in the village.