A party of police in `E’ Division (Linden Highway/ Kwakwani) on Saturday discovered and destroyed two cannabis farms in West Watooka, Wismar, Linden in the vicinity of Lucky Spot Mines.
Stabroek News was told that at the first farm approximately 2,000 marijuana plants ranging from one foot to five feet in height and a nursery with about 1,500 plants were found.
At the site, police said they discovered two makeshift camps which were equipped with farming tools, clothing, kitchen utensils, three hammocks and groceries.

60 kilogrammes of dried cannabis was also found at the camp.
At another camp a short distance away, the party of police discovered a half acre of land being cultivated. The farm contained approximately 100 cannabis plants ranging from one foot to five feet in height. A makeshift camp was also found on the half-acre farm.

Police said the plants and camps were destroyed and the coordinates were marked off for further investigation.
No one was found at the camps.