There is no hate, I am anxious to see LGBT persons seek God for help and deliverance

Dear Editor,

I respectfully seek your esteemed newspaper’s accommodation for the publication of a few thoughts relating to LGBT and inspired in part by a letter appearing in your publication of June 4, 2018 from Mr. Ric Couchman, addressing me and my published Christian beliefs on homosexuality and the Gay Pride Parade in Guyana.

The Christian perspective of life, to which I adhere, is based on the Bible, the Word of God, and founded on Love through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom alone we can access  forgiveness and renewal of life. John 14:6

There is no hate for any of God’s creation inclusive of those who do not ascribe to living by the Word of God. I am very sorry for the plight of people struggling with same sex attraction and related issues and I do not hate them. Instead, I am anxious to see them seek God for help and deliverance. In this, I have found myself differently positioned from the LGBT community.

In accordance with the Word of God Genesis 2:21-25, God created two genders, man and woman, and there was no other gender created. This is what Christians believe. Any variation on the Word of God is sin and can be addressed by acknowledging error and asking God for forgiveness and He WILL provide all that is necessary pertaining to life and godliness so that the person can be transformed and live a new life according to God’s mandate.

Examining the issue of Christian rights being lost brings some interesting results. I draw to the public’s attention the case of the Gay wedding cake which the United States Supreme Court ruled on, Monday June, 4 2018 where a Christian baker Jack Phillips’ business was almost destroyed because he refused to act against his conscience and bake a cake for a gay marriage. The Supreme Court overruled an earlier court’s decision that imposed a fine of US$135,000 against Phillips as a penalty for claimed discrimination through his refusal to act against his Faith, almost driving that Christian out of business. But God is faithful.

Regionally there was the case of Professor Brendon Bain, director of Caribbean HIV/AIDS Regional Training Network (CHART) who was fired after presenting expert scientific evidence in a case brought by a gay man who was seeking to challenge the country’s Buggery Law. It was reported that the main pressure group calling for Professor Bain to be sacked was the civil society group composed of men having sex with men (MSMs) 20170731/full-court-rules-uwi-breached-brendan-bains-right-freedom-expression (N.B. Typo error at para. 3 under heading “Fired After Report”)

 Closer to home July 15, 2014 the press reported that SASOD had petitioned President Donald Ramotar, the then President of Guyana, for the removal of a government minister from office because he made a statement outlining a Christian perspective of the LGBT issue. Again God is good and President Ramotar acted legitimately.

Because restoration to one’s true gender identity is gloriously possible from testimonies in Bible days and present day (I Cor6: 9-11 and ) the Christian church stands ready to offer ministry through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.

With love and full respect to all, including my fellow citizens challenged by same sex attraction, I have attempted herein to facilitate your making wise and carefully considered decisions.

Sincerely In Christ,

Yours faithfully,

Sister Bernice Walcott