A mechanic and a constable attached to the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) escaped unhurt after the vehicle they were travelling in caught afire yesterday.
The incident occurred just around 4:30 yesterday afternoon in the vicinity of the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court.

Alair George, the driver of the vehicle at the time told Stabroek News that he and the constable were in the process of transporting revenue collected for the day to the bank and had just turned East onto Brickdam when someone alerted them of smoke emanating from the bonnet of the vehicle. “Just as we came across here somebody holla fire! Look fire! And when I look I observed smoke. The constable also noticed smoke coming from the bonnet and I just turn off the engine and we came out the van and we just go and

stand up there and watch the fire,” George explained.
He further noted that while they were unsure of what caused the fire, the fire service was prompt in their response and was able to extinguish the fire within minutes.
When Stabroek News arrived on the scene, officers from the Guyana Fire Service and the Guyana Police Force were conducting interviews and examining the vehicle.