Dear Editor,
Philosophically, I have a problem with some people being given preferential treatment over others, especially when it comes to health care delivery. I do not believe that any individual, regardless of rank or status, is better than any other. Every life matters and no person is more important than others.
Having regard to the above, I am strongly of the view that access to money or power should not be the criterion for an individual’s life chances. Governments have a duty and a responsibility to ensure that all individuals have an even chance to enjoy the good life and to develop their potential to the best of their ability.
It is in the above context that I found it unacceptable that some people are sent overseas for routine medical checks at taxpayers expenses whilst others who are much more deserving, some with life threatening medical conditions, are denied government funding.
The challenge before us as a society is to raise the level of health care delivery to a point where there will be no need for any individual to travel overseas for medical treatment. This may appear to be wishful thinking, but until such time that it becomes a reality, we should all live by the same rules which govern our existence as members of society.
Yours faithfully,
Hydar Ally