Junisca Blair is one of several young Bartica-based entrepreneurs benefitting from the Small Business Bureau’s (SBB) In-School Entrepreneurship Pilot Programme.
“I am doing broiler birds and it’s going good. I started off with 25 and after slaughtering the 25 I bought 30; as it keeps going I plan to buy more and extend the pen, the first batch I gained a profit of $30,000,” Blair told the Department of Information (DPI).
The project, which aids grades nine and ten students from Bartica Secondary School with their School Based Assessment Projects (SBA), saw the development of several viable businesses.

Head of the Agriculture Department at the school, Sandra Gibson said, “it was a very good initiative to give these students an opportunity to monitor their own businesses. They came up with what they wanted to do on their own. Sometimes we underestimate students but this brought out their talents and I think they did well for a first try.”
Six beneficiaries from the Bartica Secondary now have viable businesses from the grants. The In-School Entrepreneurship pilot initiative began in 2017 benefitting 100 students across the country, DPI said.