National Grade Six Assessment 2018 Results

Some of the top students (Photos: Department of Public Information)
Some of the top students (Photos: Department of Public Information)

The top results of the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) written on 28 and 29 March 2018 are below.  This year Fourteen thousand one hundred forty-five (14,145) candidates wrote the assessment.

The NGSA results will be available online later today. Parents and students are advised to log onto the examination website, which is: to check candidate results.  The candidate’s timetable will provide the necessary information to access these results.

Top 10 By Region

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Top One Percent

The top one percent of this year’s cohort is comprised of 174 candidates – 70 males and 104 females.

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The candidate gaining the highest score for this year NGSA is Naila Rahaman of Westfield Prep with a score of 529 marks.  

Gallery – swipe to view all (Photos: Department of Public Information)

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The second highest score is 525 was achieved by Arthur Roberts of New Guyana School. The third highest score of 524 was achieved by Kaydee Ali of Success Elementary.  The fourth highest score of 523 achieved by four candidates namely: Esha Lakeram of New Diamond/Grove Primary, Cianna Barkoye of North Georgetown Primary, Zyia Brathwaite of Success Elementary and Crystal Duncan of New Guyana School The fifth highest score of 522 was achieved by four candidates namely: Darren Ramphal of Leonora Primary, Natania Kissoon of Success Elementary, Cassie Farihna of Peter’s Hall Primary and Saif Azeeze of Academy of Excellence.