Play addressing relationships hits stage next Saturday

Desiree Edghill
Desiree Edghill

What’s Good For The Goose hits the National Cultural Centre on July 28, 29 and 30 bringing with it sadness, anger, suspense and laughter, the entire package.

After 35 years of marriage Adele, a mother of two was deserted by her husband for a 19-year-old woman.

How does she cope with that? What becomes of Raynor and his new sweetheart? “Come out and find out for yourselves,” Executive Director of Artistes In Direct Support Desiree Edghill said.

Desiree is the writer of the play and plays the role of Adele. Nazim Hussain appears in the role of Adele’s husband Raynor. Their children Maria and Jose are played by Sonia Yarde and Romel Edmonson.

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Margaret Lawrence lands the role of Adele’s old-fashioned mother, Mrs Rodrigues who is beloved but feels a woman must stay home, “ban she belly and bun” and do whatever it takes to keep her marriage together.

Desiree, a counsellor by profession apart from being a writer and actor, said the play was inspired by various couples she had engaged in counselling sessions. In most cases, couples seek her help because of their marriages being plagued with infidelity. Society, she said, makes it acceptable for a married man to lead a life of a playboy, yet scorns the woman who even patterns a small percentage of the same. It is time that society sees this as wrong either way. “We still want to be loved even when we are old,” she said and added that women pay heed to always taking care of themselves and dressing nicely.

What’s Good For The Goose is more than just another comedy and serves to address biased and sexist traditions in society while providing a fun and entertaining time for family and friends.

Also taking up roles in the play are Clemencio Godette, Julia Johnson, Negla Brandis, Oral Welshman, and Launce Northe.

Tickets cost: $2,500, $2,000 and $1,500 and can be picked up at the NCC and Artistes in Direct Support. The numbers for Artistes in Direct Support are 225-5112 and 227-7320.

What’s Good For The Goose begins at 8pm.