Crane man dies in Vreed-en-Hoop accident

The car that Bishram Ramkishore was driving
The car that Bishram Ramkishore was driving

A 20-year-old man of Crane is now dead and his friend is in critical condition after an early morning accident at  Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara yesterday.

According to the police, 23-year-old Bishram Ramkishore of 29 Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara was driving motor car PTT 6297 along with his two friends, 20-year-old Victor Aditya Ram of Crane Housing Scheme and Kevin Henry, 23, also from Goed Fortuin when the accident occurred.

Ramkishore was reportedly driving east along the northern side of the Vreed-en-Hoop Public Road around 2 am when he noticed a pedestrian crossing the road and swerved left to avoid a collision. He careened off the road and then  crashed into a metal signboard before ramming into a concrete fence in the vicinity of the Hand in Hand Insurance Company.

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The three men were rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where Ram was pronounced dead on arrival and Ramkishore was transferred to the Dr Balwant Singh Hospital in a critical state. Henry was later discharged and is currently at home.

Stabroek News spoke to Henry yesterday who had bandages on his head and a cast on his left hand. He bore multiple bruises and other minor injuries about his body.

Henry related that he and his two friends were socialising with another set of friends when one of them received a call that someone was at his house.

“It was two cars and the other one tek off with a speed first so the three of we was following behind he now and me two friend them de playing ‘box box’ with one another in the front seat. They de thumping each other in they head and I take a sip on a Guinness and put it in the car pocket and well them two wasn’t focusing on the road so when I raise up now I tell them `ey watch duh man bai!’ and when he [Ramkishore] raise up he see the man and he pull left and the car fly overboard,” Henry, visibly traumatised, explained.

He said that the car careened into a drain before returning to the road where it started to topple.

“It went overboard and then back on the road and then on somebody bridge and started to topple over and over and one of

my friend [Ram] end up flying out the vehicle and it crash into the fence. I up me self out the car after and I see some people de helping them and so I start walking towards the hospital and a big man see me and give me a drop. As soon as I reach in and I buss’ the door I see them two come in. They bring in one dead and the other one come in wounded,” Henry said, while stating that the men were imbibing alcohol before the accident happened.

When Stabroek News visited Ram’s residence, family and close friends had gathered and were trying to comfort his father, Surujpaul Ram. Surujpaul explained that he saw his son around 2 pm on Saturday and that minutes before the accident his sister had contacted them.

Ram, who was the younger of two children, celebrated his 20th birthday on Wednesday and worked as an auto electrician. Unable to keep his tears from flowing, Surujpaul said that his “baby” will be cremated on Wednesday after a post-mortem examination today.

According to Ramkishore’s family, he is still admitted at the hospital in a critical condition.