The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is seeking to work with the private sector to address the housing needs of some Kwakwani residents, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).
During a recent outreach to the community, Minister within the Ministry of Communities Valerie Adams-Patterson-Yearwood visited several families who are currently occupying houses in a district known as the “Camp Area” to assess the condition of the structures.
After a first-hand view of the living conditions of the families, the minister reported that “the structures are rotten, so there is no way that we can even change the columns. The roof is rotten… and as the government, we have to find a solution.”

According to DPI, Adams-Patterson-Yearwood said she has been advised by the Ministry’s engineer that the building can be saved. To this end, the minister said she will be seeking the support of other agencies to help with the rebuilding process and provision of aid to the families. She said that most of the persons who occupy the houses are unemployed and their children do not attend school regularly.
“My plan is to speak to Food For The Poor to determine if we can collaborate in addressing this issue. We are also looking at another area in Kwakwani with the intention of erecting twenty-five low-cost houses.”