As the police await legal advice, an autopsy performed on the remains of Satesh Sookdeo, the 21-year-old man who was stabbed to death on Saturday evening allegedly by his father at their Foulis, East Coast Demerara home, stated that he died as a result of a perforation of the lung due to a stab wound to the chest.
Public Relations Officer of the Guyana Police Force Jairam Ramlakhan yesterday confirmed the findings of the autopsy which was performed by Government Pathologist Nehaul Singh.
He said the case file has since been completed and has been sent for legal advice.
Sookdeo of Lot 217 Fifth Street, Foulis, ECD was stabbed after he intervened in an altercation between his parents. The incident had taken place around 8.35pm after which, the suspect, Sookdeo’s father, 44, was taken into custody.
The police has said that the suspect reportedly held his wife by her neck and began to choke her. As a result, Satesh and another sibling intervened.
The suspect then allegedly broke a louvre pane and then fatally stabbed Sookdeo in the chest. Sookdeo died in his mother’s arms.
Persons from the area had related that the parents would usually have arguments, which would see Sookdeo intervening. One resident had related to this newspaper that he was watching cricket when he heard a loud scream causing him to run over to the home.
It was then that the mother of Satesh said to him “Watch what he do me. He kill me baby, kill me baby”, while holding her son. The resident stated that although persons had called the police, he rode his motorcycle to the police station and made a report.
Meanwhile, another resident had explained that that the family were hard workers but when the suspect consumed alcohol, he became a different person.
The resident had said that she heard the dead man’s mother screaming and she rushed onto the roadway to see what was taking place. It was while outside that she saw the mother on the road with Satesh, she had said.