Stabroek News

Could I ask GWI to be more customer-friendly please? 

Dear Editor,

 I note that the Guyana Water Inc. (GWI) has been publishing a series of advertisements indicating that the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved changes in rates with effect from October 01, 2018.

Could GWI, in future advertisements conveying that information, please indicate what it proposes to do to give concrete effect to the PUC approval?

Will it charge the new rates on all bills it sends out on and after October 01, 2018?

Will it apply the new rates only in respect of water consumed on and after October 01, 2018?  And if this is going to be the strategy, how will it differentiate on the bill the amount of water consumed prior to October 01, 2018 and the amount of water consumed on and after October 01, 2018?

Incidentally, the last bill delivered at my home on August 29, 2018 was for the period June 19, 2018 to July 12, 2018.

I shall not raise issues such as charges, say, for a new water connection, or for some service that takes two or more days to complete.  Will GWI charge in relation to the date on which the work commenced or in relation to the date on which the work was completed?

The devil is in the detail.

Could I ask GWI to be more helpful and more customer-friendly please?  After all, water is life.

Yours faithfully

George N. Cave

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