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Statia addresses European businesses operating in Guyana

From left are Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, Jernej Videtič. and Guyana Revenue Authority Commissioner-General Godfrey Statia (Delegation of the European Union to Guyana photo)

Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Commissioner-General Godfrey Statia on Thursday addressed European businesses here as part of an EU drive to boost economic diplomacy.

A release yesterday from the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Guyana said that the Thursday session was hosted by Ambassador of the European Union to Guyana, Jernej Videtič. Also present at the meeting were the Honorary Consuls of EU Member States in Guyana including those for Finland, Germany, Ireland and Sweden. European businesses represented at the meeting ranged from those operating in telecommunications, oil and gas, fuel distribution, consultancy, agriculture and pesticides, tourism and horticulture.

 The release said that the highlight of the meeting was Statia’s presentation.

“He took time to listen to and candidly address a number of concerns and while he impressed upon the gathering that there have been substantive improvements in the functioning and effectiveness of the GRA under his tenure he recognized there still remain challenges which are currently being addressed”, the release said. 

 It added that Statia’s participation also helped to shed light on the efforts of the Guyana Government and the GRA to simplify rules and procedures for foreign businesses in relation to the country’s tax system. The meeting also served as a stepping stone towards setting up dialogue between European businesses and the GRA in particular on investments.

 The release said that the meetings hosted by Videtič are part of the EU Delegation’s push towards increased economic diplomacy with the key aim being to assist in improving the climate for EU businesses operating here and to aid in attracting further investment from European companies to set up shop in Guyana. The third meeting will be held in the second quarter of 2019.

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