Driver charged with killing man in Middle St crash

Jason Marques
Jason Marques

One of the two drivers who collided at the intersection of Middle and Carmichael streets, Georgetown, early on Sunday morning, resulting in the death of Jason Marques, was yesterday charged with killing him.

Although both Keron Deodat, 25, of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice and Deion Jerrick were charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI), it was the former who was the lone person to be charged with causing Marques’ death by dangerous driving.

He was granted his release on $350,000 bail on the causing death charge by Georgetown Magistrate Fabayo Azore, who set October 11th for his next hearing. He was also granted $20,000 bail on the DUI charge and was given November 14th as his next court date for that charge.

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Jerrick, who faced a separate charge over the tint on his vehicle, was also due to be charged with causing Marques’ death but he managed to post bail on his two other charges and left the court before the third charge could be read to him. He was released on $20,000 on the DUI charge and $15,000 bail on the charge for prohibition of tinted glass. His next court date for those charges is November 14th, although he is expected to face a death by dangerous driving charge this week.

According to the police, the accident occurred at approximately 1.50 am when motorcar PRR 4249, driven by Deodat, who was allegedly proceeding north along Carmichael Street, collided with a jeep, PMM 52, driven by Jerrick, who was proceeding east along Middle Street.

It is alleged that the driver of the car failed to stop at the intersection and, as a result, collided with the jeep.

Following the collision, the jeep toppled and the occupants, which included Marques and his friends, sustained injuries about their bodies. They were rushed to the hospital by public-spirited citizens. While they were receiving medical attention, Marques succumbed.

Police said a breathalyser test was conducted on both drivers – who escaped unhurt – and they were found to be above the prescribed limit.

Meanwhile, Marques’ friend, Timothy Fairbairn, 26, of Lot 212 Charlotte Street, Georgetown, remained hospitalised in a critical state yesterday at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

Donna Cummings, Fairbairn’s mother, told Stabroek News her son remained a patient in the Intensive Care Unit. She explained that since his admission, he has been falling in and out of consciousness.

According to the mother, Fairbairn suffered injuries to his head and chest and the family is expected to meet with his doctor today. She noted that it is unclear how severe the injuries are.