Trinidad: Wife of MP recovering after near-death fall at home

Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Laven­tille East/Mor­vant Adri­an Leonce and his wife

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment for Laven­tille East/Mor­vant Adri­an Leonce says his wife who suf­fered se­ri­ous in­juries to her face af­ter falling at home is re­cov­er­ing af­ter three “ex­ten­sive surg­eries.”

Two weeks ago, Leonce post­ed a state­ment on so­cial me­dia ask­ing for prayers for his wife who was in a “ter­ri­ble ac­ci­dent”.

There have been very lit­tle up­dates on her con­di­tion since then ex­cept for calls from staff at Mt Hope Med­ical Com­plex that Leonce’s wife did not show any in­juries as­so­ci­at­ed with a car ac­ci­dent as it was on­ly her face that was dam­aged.

In fact, the in­juries were so se­vere that staff at Mt Hope said she re­ceived three fa­cial re­con­struc­tion surg­eries.

In an in­ter­view on Sat­ur­day and What­sApp ex­changes over the week­end, Leonce said it was not the first time he heard ru­mours that he was vi­o­lent to­ward his wife. He de­scribed the per­sis­tent ru­mours as “mis­chief”.

“I have heard that talk about do­mes­tic vi­o­lence,” Leonce said.

“It is un­for­tu­nate that some­one would say things like that at a time when my wife is at home re­cov­er­ing from her ex­ten­sive surg­eries,” he said.

Leonce con­firmed that there was no po­lice re­port made of the ac­ci­dent be­cause it was not ve­hic­u­lar. “She fell at home,” he said.

He said he was not at home when his wife fell but he got a call from his daugh­ter and took his wife to the South­ern Med­ical Cen­tre but was di­rect­ed to Mount Hope be­cause of the ex­tent of her in­juries.

“It will be sad if this fab­ri­ca­tion is per­pet­u­at­ed and start to af­fect my chil­dren who are al­ready trau­ma­tised af­ter see­ing their moth­er in a near death-state,” Leonce said via text.

“It is un­for­tu­nate that any­body would take an ac­ci­dent that al­most cost my wife her life and con­vert it in­to some­thing that is not on­ly un­truth­ful but dan­ger­ous,” he said.

He said there was no truth to the as­ser­tion that he was per­son­al­ly in­volved in his wife’s in­juries.

“Karen Lee will nev­er be com­plete­ly healed. We are hap­py to have her home af­ter three-long surg­eries. Karen-Lee is go­ing to be away from work for a long time,” he said. Leonce said it was a “tremen­dous chal­lenge” for him to keep things to­geth­er since his wife’s fall.