Stabroek News

Gun factory found in East Trinidad

Some of the shotguns and ammunition found by North Eastern Division Task Force officers during a raid yesterday.

(TRINIDAD GUARDIAN) Po­lice have ar­rest­ed one man af­ter dis­cov­er­ing what ap­pears to be a gun fac­to­ry in east Trinidad.

Of­fi­cers of North­ern Di­vi­sion Task Force East, act­ing on in­for­ma­tion re­ceived, went to Mex­i­co Road, Waller­field, on Wednes­day morn­ing.

Police found tools which seemed to be used in making guns.

There, with as­sis­tance from the Ca­nine Unit, they en­tered a shed where they dis­cov­ered two shot­guns, with 12 rounds of 12-gauge car­tridges and a re­volver with six rounds of am­mu­ni­tion.

Sev­er­al in­com­plete guns, as well as weapon com­po­nents such as trig­gers, shafts and wood­en gun butts, were al­so found in the shed.

Some of the components for a shotgun which were seized, all of which seemed to have been crafted at the site.

A 19-year-old man was ar­rest­ed in con­nec­tion with the find.

The ex­er­cise was spear­head­ed by Cpl Sookram which in­cludes oth­er of­fi­cers PCs Lee, Mo­han and WPC Samp­son.

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